You are welcome here.

Womb School invites you to...

↠ Reclaim an embodied connection to your womb from a place of power, creativity and pleasure

↠ Restore menstrual fluency and embrace cyclical living

↠ Shift generational patterns and revive ancestral wisdom

Do you long to...

+ Trust your own rhythm, savor your unique pace and celebrate your cyclical nature

+ Experience ground-up transformation through nurturing and embodying your root

+ Belong to a womb-curious community while diving into your menstrual mysteries

+ Reunite with traditional healing practices and remember ancestral wisdom

+ Experience embodied pleasure, desire and choice that feels exploratory and spacious

+ Reclaim body autonomy in a system that has taught you to give your power away

 + Feel at home in your body and on the Earth through greater acceptance and self-trust

+ Embrace the wisdom of your emotional range through the dynamic pulse of your cycle

Womb School is...

A path through which you can connect, explore and gain fluency with your body and its cycles. A journey of engaging our cyclical selves, learning that we are dynamic and changing. A place to cultivate trust in diverse ways of knowing and innate body-mind wisdom. An experiential, practice-based and circular community following the rhythm of the seasons and our bodies.

Womb School is not a certification program, a replacement for therapy or medicine and we are not the experts of your body. We do not seek to offer prescriptive, static or linear content for one type of body. There are no prerequisites for Womb School. 

You are welcome here to have your own experience, at your own pace. 


Jeevan (she/they)

Jeevan Singh is a queer South Asian-Latinx visionary, womb-listener, guide, doctor of East Asian Medicine, practitioner of somatics and friend. Jeevan comes from the Sanskrit जीवन (jīvana), meaning life, or more specifically that which animates every living being. A name that’s fitting, as it speaks to her life’s work - guiding people back into the sanctuaries of their bodies to recognize and begin to heal their blocks towards human wholeness, through their pelvic bowls.

Marissa (she/her)

Marissa is a guide for pelvic embodiment and womb-centered living, rooted in the connection between earth and body. She is passionate about guiding folks into deeper relationship with their own cyclical-sensual expression and embodied knowing. Informed deeply by her time as a doula and her own journey of ancestral healing that led her to work with the womb. Marissa is of Portuguese and Nordic descent and feels most at home near the ocean.

Kris (she/her)

Kris Gonzalez is a Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Herbalist and Nourishing Life Tradition yǎng shēng 養生 enthusiast. Of Norwegian, Irish & South Korean descent, she helps to bridge the wellness gap in reproductive health by leaning in on timeless wisdoms. At the tender age of 13, Kris experienced a healing challenge that paved the way for reconnecting with her body and nourished a longing to help others in their healing journeys.